Letter to TLDSB families: new transportation zones for inclement weather days

Dear TLDSB parents/guardians,

Happy new year to all Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) families!

In December, we saw significant weather storms in different areas of TLDSB, which have had various impacts on families, students, and staff. In an effort to localize transportation cancellations, the Board will be implementing a new approach for inclement weather days.

Beginning tomorrow, January 7, TLDSB will be moving to a zoned approach. This means that on inclement weather days, the Board will communicate which zone(s) is impacted by transportation cancellations. School zone information is listed below.

If transportation is cancelled in one or more zones due to inclement weather, no buses will travel to any schools within the cancelled zone. A reminder that schools within the affected zone(s) will remain open and learning opportunities will continue. Parents/guardians will be responsible for transportation of their students who are able to safely attend school on inclement weather days. Drop-off and pick-up must occur in alignment with the regular school day start and end times.

Route specific information

Route specific information is available on mybustoschool.ca.

Parents/guardians can subscribe to receive notifications when their child(ren)’s bus is delayed by 15 minutes or more and/or cancelled by visiting mybustoschool.ca and following the instructions below:

  1. Select “Parent Portal”
  2. Log in or create an account using your email and a password.

School zone information

Zone 1

Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School + Adult and Alternate Education Centre
Bracebridge Public School
Gravenhurst High School + Adult and Alternate Education Centre
Glen Orchard Public School
Gravenhurst Public School
Honey Harbour Public School
K.P. Manson Public School
Macaulay Public School
Monck Public School
Muskoka Beechgrove Public School
Muskoka Falls Public School
Watt Public School

Zone 2

Huntsville High School + Adult and Alternate Education Centre
Huntsville Public School
Irwin Memorial Public School
Pine Glen Public School
Riverside Public School
Spruce Glen Public School
V.K. Greer Memorial Public School

Zone 3

Archie Stouffer Elementary School
Cardiff Elementary School
Haliburton Adult and Alternate Education Centre
Haliburton Highlands Secondary School
J. Douglas Hodgson Elementary School
Stuart Baker Elementary School
Wilberforce Public School

Zone 4

Bobcaygeon Public School
Fenelon Falls Secondary School + Adult and Alternate Education Centre
Fenelon Township Public School
Lady Mackenzie Public School
Langton Public School
Ridgewood Public School
Woodville Elementary School

Zone 5

Alexandra Public School
Central Senior School
Dr. George Hall Public School
Dunsford District Elementary School
Grandview Public School
I.E. Weldon Secondary School
Jack Callaghan Public School
King Albert Public School
Lindsay Adult and Alternate Education Centre
Leslie Frost Public School
Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Mariposa Elementary School
Parkview Public School
Queen Victoria Public School
Rolling Hills Public School
Scott Young Public School

Bus cancellation information can be found in the following locations:

website graphic - new zones

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Bracebridge AAEC

100 Clearbrook Trail, Bracebridge, ON P1L 0A3
Bracebridge Muskoka Lakes Secondary School

Fenelon Falls AAEC

66 Lindsay Street, PO Box 460, Fenelon Falls, ON K0M 1N0
Fenelon Falls Secondary School

Gravenhurst AAEC

325 Mary Street South, Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1X7
Gravenhurst High School

Haliburton AAEC

1018 Grass Lake Road, PO Box 1199, Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0

Huntsville AAEC

58 Brunel Road, Huntsville, ON P1H 2A2
Huntsville High School

Lindsay AAEC

230 Angeline Street South, Lindsay, ON K9V 0J8

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