The following Day School Courses are available at the Bracebridge, Fenelon Falls, Huntsville and Lindsay Adult & Alternate Education Centres for Block 4 starting February 3, 2025.
HIP4O – Personal Life Management (Grade 12 Open)
This course focuses on preparing students for living independently and working successfully with others. Students will learn to manage their personal resources to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and housing. They will also learn about their personal, legal, and financial responsibilities and develop and apply interpersonal
skills in order to make wise and responsible personal and occupational choices. Students will apply research and inquiry skills while investigating topics related to personal life management. The course emphasizes the achievement of expectations through practical experiences.
Fenelon Falls
MEL3E – Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life (Grade 11 Workplace)
This course enables students to broaden their understanding of mathematics as it is applied in the workplace and daily life. Students will solve problems associated with earning money, paying taxes, and making purchases; apply calculations of simple and compound interest in saving, investing, and borrowing; and calculate the costs of transportation and travel in a variety of situations. Students will consolidate their mathematical skills as they solve problems and communicate their thinking.
Prerequisite: Principles of Mathematics, Grade 9, Academic, or Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 9, Applied, or a ministry-approved locally developed Grade 10 mathematics course.
EMS3O – Media Studies (Grade 11 Open)
This course emphasizes knowledge and skills that will enable students to understand media communication in the twenty-first century and to use media effectively and responsibly. Through analysing the forms and messages of a variety of media works and audience responses to them, and through creating their own media works, students will develop critical thinking skills, aesthetic and ethical judgement, and skills in viewing, representing, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Prerequisite: English, Grade 10, Academic or Applied.
HPC3O – Raising Healthy Children (Grade 11 Open)
This course focuses on the skills and knowledge parents, guardians, and caregivers need, with particular emphasis on maternal health, pregnancy, birth, and the early years of human development (birth to six years old). Through study and practical experience, students will learn how to meet the developmental needs of young children, communicate with them, and effectively guide their early behaviour. Students will develop their research skills through investigations related to caregiving and child rearing.